Pictures before surgery

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I had my friend come and help me with my special shower the night before my surgery. I also had her take my measurements as a starting point and I will be updating both my weight and measurements throughout my weight-loss journey.

laura 9-4-2018 B4 surgery#

Sorry for the bad picture but you get the idea of how FAT I am. 9/4/2018

laura1 9-4-2018 B4 surgery#

This is a front view and I was talking when this picture was taken.  9/4/2018

My weight is 300 pounds and these are my measurements B4 surgery.

  1. Arms – 16″
  2. Pecs – 45″
  3. Bust – 52″
  4. Ribs – 47″
  5. Waist – 57″
  6. Hips – 57″
  7. Thighs – 25″
  8. Calves 16 1/2″
  9. Neck – 18 1/2″

Most of my inches are in my stomach area as you can see in the pictures. Hopefully, the next pictures that I take or have taken will be of better quality.

One thought on “Pictures before surgery

  1. Mom, you are always beautiful to me! You are looking much more comfortable these days though, compared to this picture!


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