Not doing so good…things are looking up

Monday, August 20, 2018

Well, I just looked and it has been a couple of weeks since I last wrote in my journal. I haven’t been doing very good lately. I haven’t been walking outside, which was my goal in Weight Management Group (WMG). And I haven’t even been walking inside either. I just don’t have much energy or drive to walk and it bothers my Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and that takes hours and Tylenol to get it to go away. Sometimes I even have to take some Tramadol, which is a NARCOTIC, and I don’t want to get hooked on them again. I try not to take them unless I’m really bad and Tylenol didn’t work, or it is at night. I haven’t even been doing my exercises lately either.

Other things that have been going on is my eating and I’m still waiting to hear back on my surgery. I’ve been eating whatever I’ve wanted to and my weight is up to 298 pounds for the last 2 weeks. I’m surprised that it isn’t back up to 300 or more. Last night they had French Toast for dinner and yesterday morning I had pancakes for breakfast. So it was a terrible day. I had Oatmeal (my normal meal) this morning for breakfast but then I had a Bagel with cream cheese also.

I didn’t get up for exercise either this morning. I don’t know if I can do the walk on the Greenbelt tomorrow, but I’m going to try and get up at 9:30am and get dressed and at least try and go. If not, at least try and walk in the building for about 10 minutes.

Today I also went to WMG and they keep talking about all kinds of DIETS that we can go on and it is very frustrating because when I do finally have surgery I won’t be able to eat what all these DIETS say to eat until I’ve met my weight loss goal. That will be a year or 2 down the road. So, I just listen and put it in the back of my head for future reference.

I talked to Shyra (the lady at Deo’s office) see if she had gotten a hold of the Bariatric Clinic to see about my surgery. She said she just got their voicemail and left messages. I called them myself today, but just got the voicemail and left a message. Tonight after dinner I got a call back from the Bariatric Clinic and they said that they had gotten approval on my paperwork, YAY!!, and that she would send it in tomorrow to be scheduled for surgery, and I should be hearing back from them in the next 5 days or so. I hope that that is true and I can get my surgery soon, like this month, that would be awesome!!

Also today I had a friend go to Hong Kong Restaurant and get me some Chinese food for dinner. I have been in the mood for some and know it will be a long time before I will be able to have it again. I got some Mandarin Chicken, Chow Mein, and an Egg Roll for dinner. She was upset because it was such a small amount, but I told her it was fine. When I opened it up there were about 10 pieces of chicken and the sauce. The Chow Mein was gross and there were 2 large Egg Rolls. I forgot that it is the rice I like not the Chow Mein. I even put some chicken sauce on it to make it taste better, but it didn’t work. I didn’t eat it. The chicken was great and I dunked the Egg Rolls in the chicken sauce and they were pretty good too.

So, all in all, I guess it has been o.k. and if I could have surgery next week that would work out great. But it will probably be later than that and I don’t know how the timing will work out with the Burgers taking me to and from the hospital before they move. And I need to find somebody to watch over my cat. I’m sure it will all work out fine. 🙂

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